Êostetska T. A.

The scientific-practical Law Journal  “Almanac of Law” Volume 11 (2020), 307-312 p.

DOI: 10.33663/2524-017X-2020-11-52

Êostetska  T. A. To the issue of the state control over the observance of information legislation: the concept, certain types and forms

The relevance of the article’s material caused by the problem of implementing an effective national state policy in the field of information society development, improvement of control activity of public authorities on the functioning of subjects of information activity, observance of the requirements of the current legislation.

The versatility and multidimensionality of control in the information sphere and its direction – state control over observance of information legislation are emphasizing. The constitutional and legal nature of the investigated control is emphasizing.

In the scientific literature such control is sometimes called as "information control", "infocommunication control".

There is an insufficient theoretical and applied development of the legal aspects of the described phenomenon, the absence in modern science of a comprehensive analysis of the constitutional and legal problems of control activities in the specified sphere of public relations.

It is substantiating that methodologically, the study of these institutions should be base on existing significant developments in legal science regarding the characteristics of control as a function of social and public administration.

The existing conceptual approaches to the definition of "state control in the information sphere", its types, are analyzing.

The author's definition of appropriate concept, as well as the concept of state control over the observance of information legislation, control and supervision activities were formulated.

It is specifying that the legal nature of state control in the information sphere should be consider in the correlation of such concepts as "supervision" and "control". Based on the analysis of the legal content of these categories was substantiated that in the complex, they can be considered as the appropriate control and oversight activities. A description of the legal means of its implementation is given.

Separate attention is focuses to the kind of state control - parliamentary control in the relevant sphere. Emphasizes its leading role in the system of state control over compliance with information legislation.

The subjects, the basic forms and methods of control and supervision activity, its legal bases are outlining. Emphasizes the need for constant attention from experts to the problems of implementation, improvement of this institute. 

The main directions of improvement of both state control over observance of information legislation and control in general in the investigated sphere of relations in general are outlining.

key  words:    informative  sphere,   state control,  information  legislation, parliamentary control.


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