Opolska N. M.

The scientific-practical Law Journal  “Almanac of Law” Volume 11 (2020), 190-196 p.

DOI: 10.33663/2524-017X-2020-11-34

Opolska N. M. Legal doctrine of yak dzherelo rights to freedom of creativity

The article has been informed that the doctrine of the right to legalize the primary role in establishing and developing conceptual ambushes for the Institute for Freedom of Creativity. It has been established that scholarship between science and doctrinal attainment is important and important — that is, more often than not, the recognition of freedom of information, as well as practical powers of freedom of creativity. The doctrine of law, based on the power of the key concept of the concept of the right to freedom of creativity, is justified, but not less, to be overlooked by one of the discus- sive and superlative clowns.

It is signified that the legal doctrine is based on a scientific position of an obscene nature, that we have rejected a legal notice on the side of science, suspense and power, and have the right to law-making and legal duty. It has been clarified that, as a lawless law, the legal doctrine will protect the synthesis of law, manifested gaps with the right, victorious with the sphere of law-making and dignity of the state, tendencies are also observed in the laws, with the doctrines being formed. The right of law has a legal doctrine with legal force in case of ruling, so that I accept. It has been clarified that the legal principles of doctrinal provisions are realized through the incorporation of legal categories and understand the theory and concept, and the forms of supremacy of legal doctrines. It has been established that the doctrine of åð dzherel law is officially formally significant in Ukraine.

It was justified, calling for the legal doctrine to be adopted, introducing the term "doctrine" in the names of the president’s legal acts, the parliament, the state ordinance of the country, which are clearly indicated in the state mandates. These are based on a number of legal categories and understand the theory and concept, in terms of supremacy of legal doctrine and hidden in these areas of suspicion, in order to require a more complete reform.

Legitimization of doctrinal position in the sphere of the right to freedom of creativity of the Bula was implemented by the National doctrine of development of the doctrine of informational security of Ukraine. Dzherelom of the right to freedom of creativity º The national doctrine of developing awareness in part of the development of minds for developing specialties and creative self-realization of the skin lesion of Ukraine, the development of creative health and self-learning. As a whole, it is conceptual to lay the foundation of the security of the right to freedom of creativity, even without developing creative interests in people, it is not necessary to have the right to freedom of creativity, the right to freedom of creativity will be in the area of declarativeness.

Docity was brought forward from the perspectives of the farthest gains and growth from the whole directly formulate the doctrine of freedom of creativity and the legitimacy of the doctrinal position in these spheres.

Keywords: Legal doctrine, the right to freedom of creativity, dzherela law.


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