Pekar A. O.

The scientific-practical Law Journal  “Almanac of Law” Volume 11 (2020), 313-318 p.

DOI: 10.33663/2524-017X-2020-11-53

Pekar A. O.  The right to protection against unfair use of the means of individualization: content and features

The article deals with the nature and features of the right to protection against unfair use of the means of individualization. It is argued that it is inappropriate to distinguish the right to protection against unfair use of the means of individualization in the structure of intellectual property rights from the right to protection of economic competition. Based on a system analysis of the legislation, scientific literature review, and the practice of its application, the right to protection is classified in an objective and subjective meaning. In its objective meaning, the right to protection against unfair use of the means of individualization is a component of the right to intellectual property, to protection against unfair competition. The subjective right to protection against the unfair use of the means of individualization is an independent right.

The following features of the right to protection against unfair use of the means of individualization are identified on the basis of the analysis. The objective right to protection against unfair use of the means of individualization is characterized by a set of civil law rules governing relations in the field of intellectual property rights and economic competition and determining the grounds, forms, procedure and methods of protection of such rights. This right combines two components: the protection of intellectual property rights and economic competition relations. The subjects of this right are economic entities. At the same time, the exercise of the right to protection in connection with the violation of the law on protection against unfair competition ensures the protection of consumers’ rights, as it guarantees them good quality goods on the market. The object of this right is relations in the field of intellectual property rights and economic competition. The subjective right to protection against unfair use of the means of individuation is the use of a provided by law capacity to renew, recognize or award the right to use the means of individualization by an economic entity. Such subjective right is characterized by the following features: it always implies the implementation of active actions, the possibility of choosing the forms and methods of protection.

Keywords: means of individualization, unfair use, right to protection, objective right, subjective right, intellectual property rights, unfair competition.


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