Boiko M. M.

The scientific-practical Law Journal
“Almanac of Law” Volume 13 (2022), 366-371 p.

DOI: 10.33663/2524-017X-2022-13-58

Boiko M. M. The principle of independence of a lawyer in the aspect of relationships with public authorities

The Bar of Ukraine has been an independent self-governing organization for over 10 years. Legislative regulation of the bar and advocacy should not be understood as limiting the independence of the bar or as an attack on its independence, but, on the contrary, should be seen as in line with the principles of legal certainty and the rule of law. The place of the bar in a state governed by the rule of law and democracy is determined by its special status, according to which it acts as an independent institution that performs a public law function and is not subordinate to public authorities.

Independence is a fundamental principle that determines the status of the bar and correlates with the rule of law. This allows to embody the ideas of justice and professionally protect human rights, thereby contributing to the development of legal culture and legal consciousness of society.

Self-regulation of the legal profession means the implementation of democratic principles in the organization and activities of the legal profession, the lack of regulation and control by public authorities and guaranteeing professional independence of the legal profession. Accordingly, the bar operates outside politics and is independent in its relations with all subjects of power, both at the regional and state levels.

Public authorities must be interested in the existence of an independent and strong legal profession, without which the rule of law and the functioning of civil society institutions are impossible. At the same time, the state, which positions itself as a legal entity, should be interested in the bar being a highly professional institution. The interaction between public authorities and the bar should be formed on the basis of partnership and joint efforts in building the rule of law.

The implementation of the principle of independence should guarantee all subjects of advocacy self-government at the legislative level the exclusive right to independently decide on issues of self-government and self-regulation. Bar associations must uphold the public value of the bar and guarantee the independence of lawyers, ensuring compliance with professional and ethical standards, protection from persecution and any influence aimed at restricting the principle of independence in their professional activities.

Key words: independence principle, the Bar, advocacy self-government, self-regulation, framework law.


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