The scientific-practical Law Journal
“Almanac of Law” Volume 13 (2022), 160-166 p.
DOI: 10.33663/2524-017X-2022-13-25
Fedorenko V. L., Fedorenko M. V. Principles of constitutional law: essence, content and system
The publication is devoted to identifying the essence and content of the category of “principle of constitutional law” and identifying its relationship with related but not identical categories: values, ideals, foundations, principles, objectives, mandatory rules, laws, etc. Genesis and development of ideas about the principles of constitutional law and their consolidation in constitutions and constitutional acts are analyzed.
The systematization of the main types of relevant principles and groups is carried out: principles of constitutionalism and constitutional doctrine, principles of science and education of constitutional law, principles of the constitution, as well as principles of constitutional law-making, law enforcement and justice (jurisdictional) activities.
It is argued that modern constitutions enshrine in the norms-principles the most important values of the constitutional order: the rule of law, rule of law, freedom and democracy, the inviolability of fundamental human rights, etc. But their real embodiment presupposes unification and interaction of civil society with the state.
Key words: principle, principle of constitutional law, system of principles of constitutional law, principle of constitutionalism, principle of the Constitution, principles of the science of constitutional law.
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