The scientific-practical Law Journal
“Almanac of Law” Volume 13 (2022), 61-67 p.
DOI: 10.33663/2524-017X-2022-13-9
Husariev S. D., Starytska O. Î. Formation of the police officers professional culture in modern Ukraine: forms and context
The article suggests that one of the components, what characterizes the development of a civilized society is culture, including the legal one, which forms the basis of professional culture. The issue of formation of professional legal culture is especially acute during the military situation, where the activity of police officers can be considered a bright example of its manifestation. It is in this sphere that the most closely described connection between enforcement officers with the civilian population, under the time of rights and freedoms protection. The purpose of the article is to characterize the basic forms and elements of the content of the educational process, used in the system of professional training of police, and also highlighting aspects of the military situation in the country on the level of professional culture of employees.
A number of scientific methods and approaches are used by authors to realize the set goal, namely: germeneutical approach to interpretation of scientific positions of different authors on the issue of legal culture and training; method of systematization, application of which will allow to separate forms of legal training, which have a positive influence on the formation of professional culture of the police officer; comparison – for revealing educational means, forms, which have a greater degree of efficiency; methods of logic, which will allow to establish cause-effect connection of conditions and factors of the military situation in the country with forms of legal training.
The professional and legal culture of the police officer is characterized by the presence of the form, the manifestation of which is observed in the process of performance of service and combat tasks, and contests, what consists of a system of legal knowledge, ideas, values, understanding of the importance of the law, the role of the legal foundations of social life, as well as skills and readiness of legal behavior actions.
In the process of research the authors have established that the forms of legal education of policeman include education, practice, self-education, agitation and propaganda. At the same time, the main elements of internal filling of such forms (contest) in the period of military condition include knowledge, ideas, concepts, and for additional – motivation and readiness to the acts of realization, because they are claimed during the war, they characterize the internal stability of the person and devotion to their profession.
As a conclusion, attention is drawn to the fact that during the military situation practice and self-ovulation are the main forms of legal training of police officers.
Key words: professional culture, legal training, police officer, military status, legal education, self-education, practice, national idea, knowledge, propaganda.
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