Kmetyk-Podubinska K.I.

The scientific-practical Law Journal
“Almanac of Law” Volume 13 (2022), 236-240 p.

DOI: 10.33663/2524-017X-2022-13-38

Kmetyk-Podubinska K. I. Problems of the right to access information in the context of modern communicative practices in foreign legal science

The article analyzes the problems of the right to access information as a scientific foundation for the formation of ideas about access to information in the context of modern communicative practices in foreign law. Scientific views and discussions of leading foreign scientists and researchers on this issue are considered. Attempts to understand the problem of access to information in the context of communicative practices in the field of legal and in the context of historical, philosophical, socio-psychological, political science and technical research are highlighted. Foreign scientific sources on the problems of information and the right to access it in the light of the formation and development of communicative practices in the information society have been studied. The author concludes that the undisputed research value of the analyzed source base for further scientific research.

Key words: Source base of the right to access information, information society, historiographical research, communicative practices, conceptualization of access to information, research on the right to access information.


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