Kleshchenko N.O.

The scientific-practical Law Journal  “Almanac of Law” Volume 11 (2020),
107-110 p.


Kleshchenko N.O. Theoretical aspect of unification of legislation.

The article examines the theoretical aspect of unification and its impact on the effectiveness of legislation. It is noted that regardless of the place of creation, the legislative process has always been and remains a difficult task, the solution of which requires a comprehensive approach. Unification is studied from a philological and legal point of view.

It is emphasized that unification has been actively studied with the development of international organizations, and is an effective way to regulate legislation and integration into the international legal space, as expressed in the joint cooperation of different countries through the adoption of similar legal acts. It is now widespread in the legal systems of countries such as Denmark, Sweden, Finland, where maritime, trade, contractual, binding legislation, etc. are unified. Unification directly affects the quality of legislation, as well as contributes to the convergence of legal systems. In general, it can be described as a way of converging legal systems by forming a uniform legal regulation within the relevant legal space.

The points of view of legal scholars on the definition of the concept of unification of legislation are considered. Unification is characterized as a process of streamlining legislation in order to uniformly regulate social relations in different legal systems. Emphasis is placed on the mandatory implementation of unified norms in the domestic law of the state.

Key words: unification of legislation, legal regulation, implementation, system of legislation.


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