Almanac of Law. Volume 12 (2021)


Shemshuchenko Yu.S Introductory remarks……………………………………………………………………….……............................8

Doctrinal approaches and dimensions

Skripnyuk O. V., Krusyan A. R. The concept of «State Sovereignty» in classical
Western theoriesand modern domestic political science………………………………………..........……………………………………..11

Onishchenko N. M. Problem issues of interpretation of doctrinal errors……………….......................………………………19

Kostytsky V. V. Interpretation of laws as form of law implementation………………………………….......................……..24

Parkhomenko N. Ì. Actual problems of legal certainty and interpretation of legal
norms at the present stage of legal reform………………………………………………………………....…………………………………………30

Shutak I. D. Legal technique of judicial practice and its role in state legislation……......................……………………35

Batanov O. V. Problems of modern Ukrainian unitarism in the focus of doctrinal interpretation
of the Constitution of Ukraine………………………………………………………………………………………………………...................…...42

Bobrovnyk S. V. Judicial interpretation: features and practical significance…………………………….......................….50

Malyshev B. V. Techniques of the teleological method of interpretation of legal norms……........................……...57

Dzeiko Zh. O. Legal technique of interpretation of the law: theoretical and legal aspecks…......................………62

Miroshnichenko M. I. To the question of systemic errors in the interpretation of law
in connection with the problem of the object of legal science………………………………………………...………………………….…66

Didych T. O. Interaction of law-making and political pluralism in modern
conditions of Ukraine’s development…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…..71

Makarenko L. O. Human rights in Ukraine: current challenges and threats……………………………......................…..76

Lutsky R. Ð. The influence of unofficial interpretation through public opinion on the
formation of the idea of legality, justice and law……………………………………………………………….....……………………………...89

Sichevliuk V. A. Interrelation of theoretical concepts of jurisprudence and legal practice
(using the example of the category «legal subjectity»)……………………………………………………….............…………….…….94

Shevchenko A. E., Antoshkina V. K. The scientific-legal doctrine and its influence
on the law interpretation processes………………………………………………………………………………………….......……………………...99

Shevchenko A. Yå., Kudin S. V. Variety of theoretical approaches to legal interpretation…….......................….109

The Interpretation of law: theoretical framework

Akulenko D. U. Formation of civil society in modern conditions…………………….......................…………………………..115

Bohinich O. L. Interpretation of law as a problem of legal hermeneutics:
some questions of theory…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...….119

Bondaruk T. I. Law and its interpretation in the context of cultural and historical process…......................……125

Varakuta I. O. The concept and essence of legal awareness………………………………………………......................………128

Varych O. G. Interpretation of law: axiological vector of development………………………….….......................………132

Vasetsky V. Y. The influence of socio-political events in Europe in the XVI-XVII centuries
on the 
development of legal doctrine of Modern history……………………………………………………….............………………..136

Vynokurov V. V. Human Rights. Protection and enforcement……………………………………….…….......................………141

Havrilyuk S. V. Error both in the general philosophical sense and as a subject
of study of legal science…………………………………………………………………………………………………...……………………………………148

Koban O. G. Interpretation of law by the court as an element of legislation………………………….......................….153

Kotenko M. V. Methodological basis of scientific research of intellectual
property as a value-legal 

Kubko A. E. Protection of the state interests and the responsibility of State
(some theoretical issues)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....170

Luzhanskyy A.V. Special guarantees as a component of the constitutional and legal
mechanism for ensuring human rights and freedoms in Ukraine………………………………………......………………………….175

Lvova O. L. Human rights and the public interest: in search of balance………………………………….......................…179

Marchenko M. A. Perceiving the legal category of «dignity» in the legal
approaches of the Islamic world…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….186

Melnyk A. M. Genesis of court practice and judicial precedent…………………………………………………........................191

Mima I. V. Ideological manifestations of Christian-legal traditions in the legal system…….......................………195

Nykolyna K. V. Legal procedure of official interpretation of legal texts…………………………........................…………200

Novitskyi V. V. Democracy as one of the fundamental bases for the implementation
of legal guarantees of human rights in Ukraine……………………………………………………………………............………………….204

Ogneviuk G. Z. Clarity and legibility of legal norms as an element of legal certainty……….......................………210

Osiadla M. V. Authentic interpretation of legal norms: theoretical aspect……………………….......................…………215

Paliy N. O. On certain terms and definitions in the legislation on gender equality……….......................……………220

Serediuk V. V. The role and meaning of the state in neoconservatism……………………….........................…………..227

Strashinsky B. R. The history of the emergence of ideas about the principle of reasonableness
in the mechanism of interpretation of law……………………………………………………………………………………...................….232

Suniehin S. O. Anthropocentrism as a paradigm of legal science:
historical origins and modern context…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……..237

Tarakchonych T. I. Interpretation of Legal Norms as an Optional Component
of the Legal Regulation Mechanism……………………………………………………………………………………......……………………………252

Teremtsova N. V. Interpretation in modern legal literature on the functioning
of private and public law………………………………………………………………………………………………………...………………………………258

Khudoyar L. V. The concept of «liberties» in the Ukrainian legal tradition and legal
documents of the XV –early XX centuries………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………263

Chepurchenko T. O. Human rights in a democratic society……………………………………………........................………….270

The Interpretation of law: the  practical significance

Marzhyna À. À. Legal interpretation function in the system of functions of the notary of Ukraine:
theoretical and legal aspect………………………………………………………………………………………………………….......................277

D’yachenko T. G. Significant conditions of the bank deposit agreement under
the civil legislation of Ukraine…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….............282

Zvieriev Ie. O. Teoh’s case on legitimate expectations in interpretation of international
treaties. Lessons for Ukraine………………………………………………………………………………………………………...........………………287

Kaminska I. V. Court of Justice of the European Union: historiography of European
sources published in the period 1957-1992………………………………………………………………………...........……………………..292

Malashenkova T. M. The importance of law practice in achieving legal certainty
regarding the grounds for disciplinary liability of a judge………………………………………………………...………………………….300

Plavych I. V. Problems of legal regulation of the form of the loan agreement
in the civil legislation of Ukraine…………………………………………………………………………………………………….......…………….…306

Sverba Y. ². Ensuring the exercise of the right to access to justice as a mandatory
attribute of a constitutional state……………………………………………………………………………………………....………………………….311

Skrypniuk O. O. Approval of the principles of a democratic political regime in the
constitutional process of modern Ukraine……………………………………………………………………………...……………………………..317

Ternavska V. M. Interpretation of law as a form of implementation of the constitutional
and legal policy of the state……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….........………….323

The Floor to Young

Shelyh A. À. Doctrinal legal consciousness and professional legal consciousness of a lawyer:
the relationship and significance for society………………………………………………………………………………..................……..329

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