Kotenko M. V.

The scientific-practical Law Journal
“Almanac of Law” Volume 12 (2021), 165-170 p

DOI: 10.33663/2524-017X-2021-12-27

Kotenko M. V. Methodological basis of scientific research of intellectual property as a value-legal phenomenon

The relevance of scientific knowledge of value and legal aspects of understanding intellectual property is revealed in the work. The philosophical and scientific basis of scientific research of value-legal aspects of understanding intellectual property is established. The scientific views of scientists concerning the understanding of the methodological basis of scientific research of state and legal phenomena and processes are generalized, the prospects of its application to the knowledge of value and legal aspects of intellectual property are determined, and possible scientific results can be obtained. It is concluded that the current state of scientific development of the problems of axiology of understanding intellectual property. 

Having identified and established the functional aspects of the methodological basis of knowledge of value and legal aspects of intellectual property, it is noted that the use of broad tools of modern methodology of knowledge of state legal phenomena and processes has a positive value only if the methodological strategy of scientific research as a whole. the prism of a specific approach to its perception and understanding. Otherwise, the scientific research itself will turn into an artificial application of methodological tools, the result of which will be a wide range of multi-vector, inconsistent information about the subject of research. Therefore, it is important to determine the methodological strategy of the study, which will be based on a specific methodological approach (approaches), which will generalize the understanding of the subject of research, which will be taken as a basis: first, determine its cognitive potential; secondly, the definition of methodological tools of the study; third, the study of those aspects that are insufficiently disclosed in legal science; fourth, the formation of a conceptual idea of the subject of research based on the results of its scientific knowledge.

The author proves that it is most expedient to apply the «pluralistic approach» to the formation of the methodology of scientific research of value-legal aspects of intellectual property, which includes: 1) establishing the functional capabilities of generally accepted in the system of social sciences, legal sciences and legal theory methodological tools value-legal research of intellectual property, determination of cognitive perspective of its application; 2) determination of the advantages of a specific methodological approach to the value-legal study of intellectual property, which will determine the general cognitive strategy of this scientific work, which we will emphasize separately in the next section of the dissertation.

This approach, in our opinion, will combine the general doctrinal vision of the problem of value and legal dimension of intellectual property, determine its purpose, set research objectives, as well as to clarify the specific instrumental mechanisms for achieving it.

Keywords: intellectual property, legal value of intellectual property, methodological basis, axiological methodological approach, axiological aspects of understanding intellectual property.


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