Lvova O. L.

The scientific-practical Law Journal
“Almanac of Law” Volume 12 (2021), 179-185 p

DOI: 10.33663/2524-017X-2021-12-30

Lvova O. L. Human rights and the public interest: in search of balance

Modern processes of globalization in some way shake the established notions of human rights, and therefore their interpretation and content may be limited or expanded contrary to the regulations of the highest legal force. This creates conflict not only in the legal field, but also in society as a whole.

It is emphasized that the most effective and less conflicting will be the norm, the content of which fully reflects both public and individual interest, the norm, in the process of interpretation and implementation of which the social value of law is achieved. What does it mean? That the right in the understanding of the official expression of norms should be only those provisions that ensure the well-being and development at the level of personal and public interest, guarantee and do not violate human rights.

It is noted that the value of the right for the individual is that it is able to meet the human need for freedom and establishes a certain order of its use. The value of law for the whole society is manifested in the fact that the law guarantees security, order and harmonization of social relations, integrity and solidarity of society.

Human rights and freedoms in the state, its interests should not be opposed to the rights and freedoms of others. At the same time, along with universally recognized human rights and freedoms, there are generally recognized restrictions on most of them. This raises the question of the objectively determined need to define boundaries and their criteria in the process of exercising one’s rights and freedoms.

An analysis of legal practice in the context of finding a balance of public and private interest on the example of the constitutional right to education. The conclusion is that education is both a constitutional right and a duty and is not subject to any restrictions, and the state must ensure that education is accessible to all.

In the process of ensuring the public interest, the state should apply permissible legal mechanisms to motivate a person to implement certain norms, such as persuasion, not coercion, encouragement, not the threat of punishment. Otherwise, it will lead to discrimination in the exercise of the rights and opportunities provided by the Constitution and the freedom to exercise them. And the establishment of the necessary restrictions provided by international legal instruments must be based on the principles of necessity, justice, legality, equality of rights and freedoms.

Keywords: human rights, right to education, discrimination, equality, public interest.


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