The scientific-practical Law Journal
“Almanac of Law” Volume 12 (2021), 19-24 p.
DOI: 10.33663/2524-017X-2021-12-3
Onishchenko N. M. Problem issues of interpretation of doctrinal errors
An interesting and little-studied issue of modern domestic doctrine is the issue of legal errors, in particular the relevantproblems of interpretation of law. After all, the analysis of their essence, nature and ways of prevention is one of the most important issues of improving legal practice in general and increasing the effectiveness of legislation in particular.
In this scientific research the task of studying the problem of doctrinal interpretation of law is set. It is safe to say thatin general this topic is considered studied, discussed and systematized. Moreover, at the doctrinal level, this is confirmed more and more accurately than in view of its practical application.
The research was based on the following: recent problems related to the legal practice of the CCU; related to theconduct of an external independent evaluation or the cancellation of the state final certification; passing exams in schools and colleges - a lot of regulatory issues that are dictated by the new realities of life in a pandemic.
The article highlights the types of legal errors, subjective and objective factors of their occurrence. A special vector of consideration is devoted to doctrinal legal errors and ways to prevent and eliminate them in the context of legal interpretation practice.
After a definitive list and analysis of research and publications, the author turned to the essence of the issue. Legal error is most often interpreted as a negative result due to unintentional, incorrect actions of legal entities (bona fide error).
The value of this work is to obtain practical advice on effective means of combating doctrinal errors.
Keywords: interpretation of legal norms, error, legal error, types of legal errors, doctrinal legal error, precautionary measures.
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