The scientific-practical Law Journal
“Almanac of Law” Volume 12 (2021), 153-164 p
DOI: 10.33663/2524-017X-2021-12-26
Koban O. G. Interpretation of law by the court as an element of legislation
The article examines the problem of the essence and content of judicial interpretation, its characteristic features. The goal of a casual court interpretation is the correct understanding of the content of the norms of law, and the task is to individualize legal regulations. Acts of casual court interpretation are «samples» for lower courts, given that they are always guided by the practice of interpretation. The article also deals with the theoretical aspects of the institute of interpretation of law by court, its gist, and legal nature; explores the views of the Ukrainian and foreign scientists on the subject. The article also deals with relevant to modern legal practice issues of judicial interpretation.
The peculiarity of the casual interpretation is that it has a person-oriented character and is relevant to specific circumstances. A casual interpretation can not go beyond the boundaries of a particular legal case and apply to similar cases. The difference between the normative interpretation and the casual is that the former may extend to an unspecified range of cases, and the second one to the incident that was the subject of a dispute. Subjects of casual interpretation are the judicial and administrative bodies. Clarification of the content of the law by the judiciary is a judicial interpretation. The official constitutional interpretation of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine is carried out in providing opinions on cases of constitutionality of laws and other legal acts, compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine of international treaties, adherence to the procedure of investigation and consideration of the case of removal of the President of Ukraine from office in the order of impeachment. The supreme court’s interpretation of the case largely influences judicial practice. Courts, in court cases, carry out a casual interpretation of the rules of law and develop case-law on the application of the rules of law. The casual judicial interpretation is the interpretive activity of the court in the process of reviewing and resolving court cases (or in the order of their review by the appellate or cassation instances), the purpose of which is a correct understanding of the content of the legal norm. His task is the individualization of legal requirements, and the result is binding only for a specific court case and parties involved in it. The acts of the casual interpretation of the higher judicial bodies are «samples» for lower courts, given that they are always guided by the practice of interpretation and application of the law by the highest judicial authorities and, as a rule, follow it. Characteristic features of the casual judicial interpretation is that its subjects are judges of all courts, it is directed at the consideration and resolution of a particular court case, the results of such an interpretation are binding only for the parties to a specific court case and are fixed in the motive part of the decision.
Keywords: court, casual interpretation, the rule of law, judicial interpretation, rule.
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