Didych T. O.

The scientific-practical Law Journal
“Almanac of Law” Volume 12 (2021), 71-76 p

DOI: 10.33663/2524-017X-2021-12-12

Didych T. O. Interaction of law-making and political pluralism in modern conditions of Ukraine’s development

The paper reveals the relevance of scientific knowledge of theoretical and legal aspects of the interaction of lawmaking and political pluralism in modern conditions of Ukraine. It is noted that the interaction of lawmaking and political pluralism is mainly an instrumental category, which is a feature of lawmaking and political pluralism, as well as the limits of influence on each other, according to which it is possible to measure the functioning of these legal phenomena, to establish their dynamics or functioning. determine their social purpose, regulatory potential and the state of their implementation. The interaction of lawmaking and political pluralism determines the possibility of their measurement, establishing the conformity of lawmaking to the objective conditions of political development of society and vice versa – the level of compliance of political pluralism with the requirements set by law. 

It is proved that the interaction of lawmaking and political pluralism is not chaotic and situational, but based on appropriate forms of interaction. Based on the analysis of scholars’ views on the understanding of the interaction of lawmaking and political pluralism, the existence of forms of such interaction is substantiated, as well as their features are identified, which is explained by the following:

first, lawmaking and political pluralism are phenomena of the legal plan, respectively endowed with legal essence, determined by social development, develop synchronously and are able to function effectively only by interacting with each other. Such interaction takes place within the legal field, is manifested in the activities of lawmakers and the political system, allows to consolidate their efforts within socially useful activities and achieve socially useful results (formation of a perfect legal framework and building an effective, stable, organized political system);

secondly, the interaction of lawmaking and political pluralism is manifested in their respective manifestations,

which finds its expression in specific forms that reflect the peculiarities of their synchronous functioning, interaction and consequences that arise as a result of such interaction. Forms of interaction between lawmaking and political pluralism are multiple, as evidenced, on the one hand, by their multifaceted nature as phenomena of political and legal reality, and on the other hand – the multidimensionality of their impact on political and legal reality. The combination of forms of interaction between lawmaking and political pluralism allows to maximize their functional potential and ensure the organization of their impact on society and the achievement of socially useful results;

thirdly, the interaction of law-making and political pluralism allows to further identify areas for improving law-making and increasing the level of political pluralism, eliminate existing shortcomings of cooperation and take measures to strengthen it.

Keywords: law-formation, law-making, legal formalization, legislative activity, political pluralism.


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