Teremtsova N. V.

The scientific-practical Law Journal
“Almanac of Law” Volume 12 (2021), 258-263 p

DOI: 10.33663/2524-017X-2021-12-43

Teremtsova N. V. Interpretation in modern legal literature on the functioning of private and public law

The article is concerned with problem of interpretation the public and private law. At the beginning of the article the author describes the imperfection of approaches to differentiation.The article examines the topical issue of general theory of law, which contains a delicate phenomenon that has existed for a long time, but during all this time has not developed a common understanding of its basic parameters, and therefore remain controversial theoretical foundations for construction and operation. Its existence raises a number of very important questions about properties for the legal community. At the moment it is not possible to assert the presence of the same understanding of the essence of separation of the right to private and public. Different scientific schools actually offer his vision within the Ukrainian legal system and traditional doctrine. It would be wise to mention here at the present stage of development of legal matter, it is necessary to make some adjustments to the traditional theory of law, as well as some provisions of the law regarding the division of law into private and public. In brief each new field studied by scientists is a legal phenomenon, but when applying general theoretical conclusions to it, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the object under study in terms of the general theory of law. To conclude a pattern that allows to establish two objectively independent branches of law, linking them to the manifestations of public and private foundations, and to represent the spread of rights to private and public, as it is not just a classification, but conceptual, concerning the most fundamental rights of each place and role in human life, its defined values, continues in the theory of law today.

Keywords: public law, private law, legal system, legal science, branches of law.


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