Ternavska V. M.

The scientific-practical Law Journal
“Almanac of Law” Volume 12 (2021), 323-328 p

DOI: 10.33663/2524-017X-2021-12-54

Ternavska V. M. Interpretation of law as a form of implementation of the constitutional and legal policy of the state

The interpretation of law plays a special role in the process of legal communication. Subjects of law, entering into legal relations of a certain type, interpret the content of legal norms already at the subconscious level with the aim of better satisfying their subjective rights, realization of legitimate interests and the proper implementation of legal obligations. The rule of law has general and abstract character that permit to cover a large number of specific situations, but which always differ in their individuality, their personalized nature. Taking into account this, as well as the existing shortcomings of the rule-making process, such as the presence of the vast majority of blanket and reference norms in constitutional law and non-compliance with the rules of legal technique, resulting in difficulty of expression or lack of normative definition of special legal terms, there is a need for interpretation of legal acts.

The article is devoted to determining the nature of the interpretation of law and its role in the implementation of the constitutional and legal policy of the state. Various methodological aspects of the concept of legal interpretation and techniques of interpretation of law, as well as the criteria of truth and correctness of interpretation of law in the process of learning the content of legal norms are studied. The ratio of the categories «legal interpretive policy» and «legal interpretive form of legal policy implementation» is analyzed.

It is concluded that the state-authorized subjects of legal interpretation, based on legal doctrine, form a legal interpretive policy aimed at developing a strategy and tactics for unification of legal ideas on adequate and uniform understanding and application of norms of the Constitution of Ukraine and other legal acts by all subjects of constitutional law. The means of achieving the goals of legal interpretive policy and fulfilling its tasks are legal doctrine, legal interpretation technique, interpretive practice, information resources and legal interpretative acts.

Legal interpretive policy gives grounds to single out legal interpretation as an independent form of implementation of constitutional and legal policy along with law enforcement form, which is important for proper protection of human rights and freedoms, development of civil society and principles of sovereignability of the Ukrainian state on the basis of their equal understanding and application.

Keywords: interpretation of law, legal interpretative acts, legal interpretive technique, constitutional and legal policy, legal interpretive policy.


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