Sichevliuk V. A.

The scientific-practical Law Journal
“Almanac of Law” Volume 12 (2021), 94-99 p

DOI: 10.33663/2524-017X-2021-12-15

Sichevliuk V. A. Interrelation of theoretical concepts of jurisprudence and legal practice (using the example of the category «legal subjectity»)

The article discusses the interrelation between theoretical concepts of jurisprudence and legal practice on the exampleof the category «legal subjectity». With an indication of real practical situations, the necessity of implementing the relevant theoretical achievements of legal science in the standards of practical legal activity is justified.

It is noted that at the level of practice the integral content of legal categories, principles and other theoretical concepts of jurisprudence is inevitably operationalized and takes the form of terms. At the same time, the requirement for the unambiguity of the latter creates a constant need for practice in interpreting their content. The correct interpretation of the terms involves a combination of the achievements of theory and practical experience. Deviation from this rule leads to errors in terminology and mistakes in the interpretation of law. 

Attention is drawn to the need of using in the texts of judicial, administrative, contractual, and other documents the correct wording on the legal subjectity of separated units and governing bodies of legal entities. The contradictions of the notion of «complex legal entity» are also highlighted. Examples are given of how the legislative acts of Ukraine in some cases do not correspond to the basic principles of the legal entity institution, allowing the existence in the internal organizational space of legal entities of other legal entities. It is emphasized that this status of structural subdivisions of organizations and public authorities contradicts the need to ensure their organizational integrity as subjects of law, endowed with a complete kind of legal subjectity, namely «personal legal subjectity».

Keywords: theoretical concepts of jurisprudence, category «legal subjectity», legal entity, personal legal subjectity, structural division of a legal entity.


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