Kornienko V. S.

The scientific-practical Law Journal  “Almanac of Law” Volume 11 (2020),
122-127 p.

DOI: 10.33663/2524-017X-2020-11-22

Kornienko V. S. Legal expertise as a way of providing the quality of the normativelegal acts

The article describe a general theoretical research of the legal expertise as a tool of ensuring the quality of normative legal act. The period of dynamic development of social relations in Ukraine and implementation of European integration directionsis accompanied by the formation of such democratic institutions asconstitutional state and civil society. The main task of the state is ensuring human rights.Therefore, in order to avoid problems of socio-political and socio-economic character, which significantly inhibit these processes, it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality of normative legal actat the stage of rule-making. At the moment, such an important stage in the law-making process as legal expertise is studied in fragments and requires further research. The works of various scientists, both domestic and foreign, who dealt with this topic, in particular, L. Andrusiv, Y. Birchenko, O. Bogachova, S. Dudar, V. Kosovych, L. Legin, A. Melnyk, O. Minkova, N. Parkhomenko, Y. Pererva, G. Rybikova, V. Ryndyuk, I. Surai, N. Karachentseva, V. Ternavska, I. Yanyshyna and others.

The positions of scientists on such concepts as "quality", "normative legal act", "law" and "legal expertise" are singled out. The own vision of the specified legal categories is given separately.

The opinions of scientists about knowledge of the concept of "normative legal act" are given. It is determined that a normative legal act can be considered as a written document that has certain details and official character, is adopted by a special state agency (or by referendum) according to a clearly regulated procedure. This kind of official document also regulates a certain area of public relations.

Different views on understanding the quality of normative legal acts are revealed. It is noted that the concept of the quality of a normative legal act should be understood as its ability to meet certain criterions (standards) and ensure the development of the constitutional state and civil society.

It is concluded that now in our country the issue of quality of normative legal acts which areadopted needs special attention.Different views of scientists on this issue are analyzed.It is determined that legal expertise is the main way to ensure the adoption of really useful, effective and appropriate regulations that will ensure quality public relations.

The necessity of carrying out legal expertise of normative legal acts at the stage of normative-project activity. This is necessary to avoid the occurrence of gaps and legal conflicts in laws and semi-normative legal acts is substantiated.

There is a position that it is necessary to involve an expert or a group of experts to conduct a legal expertise of a project of normative legal act as the main means of quality control of normativelegal acts.

The possible reasons influencing the occurrence of defects of regulations are investigated. The concept of "law-making errors" is studied. The exhaustive list of criterions of an estimation of quality and efficiency of normative legal acts considering positions of scientists is alsoresulted.

Keywords: legal expertise, normative legal act, norm-projecting, quality.


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