Kostytsky V., Kostytska I.O.

The scientific-practical Law Journal  “Almanac of Law” Volume 11 (2020),
15-22 p.


Kostytsky V., Kostytska I. O. On two trends in the establishment of responsible representative governance in the modern state 

The authors combined their previous studies regarding representative democracy and people's representation (I. Kostytska), as well as people's representation as a form of exercise of power by the people, with the people considered not only as a source of power, but also as a subject of power, leading to the separation of representative power (parliament, president, local government) and functional power (executive power - state and self-governing, judicial authorities, assessment authorities and supervisory authorities) as a new vision of issues of separation of powers (V. Kostytsky) in the context of the responsible representative governance. The authors assume that the phenomenon of people's representation and especially of parliamentary representation, as well as modern democratic development of society and the state is inseparable from the functioning and further improvement of the system of representative parliamentary democracy, which involves a number of democratic institutions, interconnected by the mechanism of free, equal, general and periodic elections by means of secret ballot voting and taking place in the atmosphere of general political participation of the subject of power of the Ukrainian people - the electorate, which implies a high nationwide cultural level. Modern concept of responsible representative governance has been outlined and crystallised within this paradigm of social and state development. 

The authors examine the concepts, characteristics and attributes of a responsible representative governance. The article also provides a brief analysis of two basic concepts of representation: the "concept of action" and "the concept of legal relations"; the first concept interpreting representation as an activity, namely a set of actions consisting in the implementation of agreements and other legal actions by one person (the representative), performed within the scope of authority on behalf of another person - the person he represents (the principal), whilst the second concept provides for a system of relations founded on legal norms and aimed at realisation of the principal's interests and goals. 

This research also covers matters of combining political representation and legal representation in the system of powers, as well as relevant foreign experience, theory and practice of responsible representative governance on the examples of theoretical achievements of famous scholars reflected in the national legislation of different states.

Key words: people's representation, responsible representative governance, separation of powers, people as the subject of power, global challenges.


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