Panasiuk Alexsandra Àndreevna

The scientific-practical Law Journal  “Almanac of Law” Volume 11 (2020), 350-354 p.

DOI: 10.33663/2524-017X-2020-11-59

Panasiuk Alexsandra Àndreevna. The law about animal's protection from cruelty: historical and modern issues

The article deals with the protection of animals from ill-treatment, generalizes the scientific approaches of the historical and legal aspect of the formation and development of responsibility, conducts a comparative analysis of the present with the historical past. The legal regulation of criminal liability for animal cruelty is characterized. The sanctions and the list of legislation governing this issue are outlined.

Solve issues in the area oj the institution of responsibility for animal cruelty is extremely important. In today`s world, animals are considered not only as property of a person, but also as family members. People call for human treatment of animals, both domestic and wild. In addition, humane treatment is usually understood as actions of a person not related to self-defense, causing pain, torment, suffering to the animal. Violence can also be inaction, such as leaving in danger or violating the conditions of keeping animals, leaving without care, and so on. The history of development and regulation of relevant issues deserves special attention.

At the level of international law, the issue of liability for animal cruelty has been regulated since the 1960s. The European Community has adopted five main conventions: the European Convention for the Protection of Animals in International Transport (1968), the European Convention for the Protection of Animals kept on Farms (1976), the European Convention for the Protection of Animals intended for Slaughter ), the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes (1986), the European Convention for the Protection of Pets (1987).

Key words: The provisions of international legal acts have become the basis for the settlement of relevant issues in Ukraine as well.


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