Bohinich O. L.

The scientific-practical Law Journal
“Almanac of Law” Volume 14 (2023), 195-200 p.

DOI: 10.33663/2524-017X-2023-14-195-200

Bohinich O. L. The right to peace in the paradigm of collective and individual subjects: dualism of approaches

The article analyzes the evolution of the right to peace from its individual status (individual rights) to collective (community rights). It is argued that it is the mass violation of human rights in the conditions of military operations against a large number of people that causes the appearance of their collective right to peace as a derivative of the individual right to life. 

It is noted that with the development of civilization, the individual right to life was transformed into a collective right to peace. Only at a certain stage of human development did the individual right to life undergo its transformation into the right to peace. It is about recent history, when the abstract ideas of the right to peace acquired their realizationin the respective ones international agreements and underwent their institutionalization in the activities of structures that had an international character.

Attention is drawn to the fact that the right to peace as a scientific problem was problematized in the context of collective law in the 70s of the 20th century. Specifically, this period is associated with numerous scientific discussions regarding third-generation human rights, which include collective rights, in particular, the right to peace. 

There are six types of collective rights. This is the right to political, economic, social and cultural selfdetermination; the right to participate in and receive profits from the «common heritage of mankind»; the right to peace; the right to a healthy and balanced environment and the right to humanitarian assistance in the event of various disasters. In the context of the above, existing approaches in the scientific literature regarding the subject structure of this right are analyzed. 

According to the author, the right to peace belongs to both collective and individual rights. It is emphasized that the right to peace in the 21st century is a general means of ensuring the realization of all other human rights.

Key words: the right to peace, individual rights, collective rights.


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