Tokarchuk O. V.

The scientific-practical Law Journal
“Almanac of Law” Volume 14 (2023), 134-138 p.

DOI: 10.33663/2524-017X-2023-14-134-138

Tokarchuk O. V. Separate approaches to understanding human rights

The article is devoted to highlighting the main approaches to understanding human rights. Human rights are analyzed as one of the key problems studied from various philosophical and humanist positions, including the nature of public power, principles of modernization of political and legal systems, etc. Legalistic, natural-social, psychological, and ethical scientific approaches to the interpretation of the general concept of human rights are singled out.

The idea of universal human rights has its roots in ancient ideas about dignity and respect inherent in civilizations around the world. Nations have long considered the need to consolidate key human rights in order to guarantee them in all countries of the world in the context of the globalization process. In this way, a number of fundamental international legal acts were adopted.

Equality of rights and freedoms implies that any person has the right to equal use of all rights and freedoms regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other beliefs, national or social origin, property, status or other status.

Human rights are a fairly successful legal construct, which is based on the recognition of the human personality as the highest value and, in turn, is a manifestation of self-limitation of state power in the protection of individual autonomy.

It is appropriate to single out the varieties of this construction: the model in which there is a fixed list of rights (it is the most common in the modern world); a model in which such a list does not exist. 

In the modern period, human rights are understood as a measure of freedom (possibility) of an individual guaranteed by law, which, in accordance with the achieved level of development of society, is able to ensure its existence and development and is established as an international standard, uniform for all people.

The idea of universal human rights is rooted in the ancient notions of dignity and respect common to civilizations around the world. States have long considered the need to strengthen their basic human rights in the context of the globalization process in order to ensure basic human rights in all countries of the world. In this way, many major international acts were adopted, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948.

Human rights, as the highest standard of development of modern human civilization, are recognized by people and all social communities in which they naturally live, from families, nations, nations, social, religious, ethnic groups, professional and work groups. Subjective rights embody the political, economic, social, spiritual, ideological, cultural and ecological foundations of human life not only in individual societies and nations, but also on a global scale. Human rights are one of the key issues of today, which should be studied from a wide spectrum.

Key words: state, law, standards, human rights, power, dignity, respect, freedom, natural and legal concepts, legalistic approach, psychological approach, legal understanding, declaration, religious current, dogmatism.


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